
As I reflect on the times I have worked in a group I realized the groups I have been part of don’t complete the adjourning phase. The majority of the groups I am in tend to be collaborations where everyone does their part we put it together present and then we go back to our routine prior to the project. We tend to speak to each other professionally but there aren’t any bonds or relationships built. Majority of the groups I am in are work related or school related and I tend to look at group projects as assignments and once they are complete I check it off and move on to the next project or assignment.

I am an introvert so I am not a person who gets excited about being in a group and like to complete tasks on my own. I wish their was more of a close out by the team leader when I do work in groups compared to the usual packing up and saying see you around before leaving. Through theses classes I am starting to see familiar names and as I read the blogs begin to get to know others. I have three more classes left before I complete my master and have thought about this exact question. To me it feels natural to leave a message on my blog along with the blogs of the people I have taken this journey with. I am big on leaving memories in a way that you can always reflect on and look back on. I think leaving something inspiration would be fitting so it can always be looked at and reflected upon when people lease expect it or need to be uplifted during the journey and after.

One thought on “Adjourning

  1. Hi Leesa,
    I never really gave much to the adjourning stage of being part of a group but you are spot on when you say that it has a place in our journeys. Saying goodbye brings us comfort and closure in such a long process and this masters program. I will take a page from your book and definitely leave a farewell message on my blog as well.


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